
Our dream is to let everyone have at least 1 ANTC. The first token was sent to Vitalik Buterin.


AntToken is a social experiment on fully decentralized token distribution.

1% liquidity for distribution to community members.

1% for marketing activities in centralized exchanges.

98% will distribute in decentralized exchanges. And the volunteers will provide initial liquidity funds.

The input of community members is entirely owned by the community members themselves. And the pricing of AntToken fully depends on the consensus level of the community, thus no one can manipulate the price.


Completely decentralized. All tokens are absolutely free to obtain from decentralized exchanges, not centralized exchanges

Completely owned by the community. There is no special reserved usage. From the first day of issuance, all tokens are put into decentralized exchanges and initial liquidity is provided by volunteers for free.

Completely fair model. No special role, token accessability for all community members are equal, no privileges, no miners.

Universal cryptocurrency. You can expend your imagination to use AntToken in any creative scene. Every of your idea is to contribute to the community.


We hope that based on the token ecological chain which completely depends on the community, community members can discover new ways of decentralized transactions and explore the imaginary boundaries of decentralized finance (DEFI).

You can see it as an affordable payment tool that everyone can own; Meanwhile you can use AntToken as the best tool to realize your creative financial ideas. Here, everyone is equal and democratic. Everyone can be a part of the community, just like you.

Seize the moment, own your first AntToken now!


What is AntToken?

Think of AntToken as a fair universal currency for the people. Everywhere. It is not a meme currency like Doge, Shiba, or Cardano. This is a real project that will be constantly evolving. And that begins with undoing the damage done by scammers, schemers, and bad actors. You may have some questions.

Was there a presale?

No, as I mentioned, it's a "fair" universal currency. There was no presale. No one has tokens. Besides Vitalik Buterin. I sent just one token to him. As a thank you.

Where can I get AntToken?

The Uniswap link is here: Uniswap.
The contract address is: 0xEBdb2E10058FCe3F5992fF68868049301BDd5972.

What are the tokenomics?

1,000,000,000,000 ANTC were created.
1% liquidity for distribution to community members.
1% for marketing activities in centralized exchanges.
98% will distribute in decentralized exchanges. And the volunteers will provide initial liquidity funds.

What's your name?

My name is AntToken(ANTC).